
Presentation Day!

 Friday: Today each group will email me their slides to so I can place it on the blackboard. EACH person within the group is responsible to present something from the slide. You will comment in the box provided below on one group's presentation.  I am looking for a POSITIVE remark on something you found interesting or new. When doing this, remember complete sentences is mandatory!

Continue presentation slides

 Thursday: Continue to work with your group to complete your slide presentation. The last 5 minutes of class, I would like for you to comment on something you have learned about Indigenous Societies in the comment box. 

Indigenous slides

Wednesday: You will need to click on the slides below and as a group of four (I will pre-pick the groups) you will need to add more documentations on the slides. In doing this, you will have to do some research on it. You are not allowed to use Wikipedia as a source to find the information. You will have two days to do the research and present the material to the class on Friday.  U1T1SQ1 - Google Slides

Indigenous Societies in North America Map

 Tuesday: Review the above map. You will describe what you see and what is important about this map. Were you surprised about anything you saw? If so, what was it. You must respond with at least three complete sentences in the comment box.

Indigenous Societies in North America

 Monday: Click on the link below to read a document on Indigenous Societies in North America. When doing this, you will come across bold words, that is our vocabulary words. You will need to define one of the vocabulary words and make a complete sentence using that word correctly in the comment box. U1T1SQ1 - Indigenous Societies in North America.docx - Google Docs